Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hybridz on Firez

What is this blog about? Let me tell you.

You see, my hybridz are on firez. My fires are like a hybrid between a loudspeaker and a flaming snail. My flaming snails are like a hybrid between a fedora and a cardboard box.

I hope this clears things up.


LR said...

Oh my god Nura what a weird entry. I read it and was like, huh, dude, that doesn't make sense. So I tried reading it again but the words just kept swimming and before I knew it there were all these pretty colours and patterns spiraling in my mind like a kaleidoscope, and there were a million Nuras riding a flaming snail and singing, My hybridz are on firez. Like, dude, that was weird.

Nura said...

Um that was not me, seriously. I closed this blog down.
